Hi Everyone!

I miss all of you so much.  I hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy.  For all of us, this is a learning adjustment and I hope by now you have had a chance to get into a routine.  With that said, I will be adding some Spanish lessons to your curriculum to keep your schedule as consistent as possible. There is one section for 4th years and one for 5th years. Please scroll to the appropriate section.

In addition, please continue working in your duolingo.com profile.  It is a great resource for keeping your Spanish current. I am here for you even if you just want to say “hola!”  I will be available via e-mail to answer any questions you may have.

I recommend the students work on Spanish for the same amount of time they spend with me in class each week – 45 minutes twice a week.  Obviously, if they want to do more that is great.  Keeping a log of when they are practicing Spanish will give them a sense of accomplishment and help each student keep track of their work.

Andrea Santin
Primary, Lower and Upper Elementary Spanish Teacher

4th Years

Telling Time:
Please watch the video below.  It is explained in detail.  The teacher does a great job of speaking slowly and giving lots of examples.  Please remember to record the lesson, just like you would record it in class with me.  In the video she also gives you time to record. After the video, please do the worksheet and listen and follow along with the three the books.


Time Worksheets:


On-line auditory books:


5th Years


Our next lesson we are going to be diving into is the Present Tense AR, ER, IR verbs and how to conjugate them.  I found lessons online that are very detailed and easy to follow.  Christy Land does a nice job introducing the lessons and her pace is easy to understand.  I would like for you to record the lesson as you follow along.  I’ve also included three books for you to listen to and follow along.  It is important that you continue to listen to the Spanish language.  I miss conversing with all of you in Spanish and sharing our lessons together.  I am so proud of all of you and how far you have come with reading, writing and understanding Spanish.


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