Flexible Options
Childcare is available for VMS families needing care beyond their child’s regular class time:
Morning childcare: 7:30 – 9:00am
Afternoon childcare: 3:00 – 6:00pm
Families can choose from a variety of our flexible pre-planned schedules, provided space is available.

Late Pick-Up and Emergency Situations
We ask that families adhere to their planned schedule for staffing purposes. However, if an emergency arises causing you to be late, your child will be cared for at school. When possible, please call reception so they can notify the appropriate teachers. Late pick up after scheduled time is billed at $2 per minute. After 6pm, it is billed at $5 per minute.
Although drop-in childcare is not offered, should a situation arise causing you to need chldcare outside of your current schedule, please contact reception at 925.455.8021. Childcare will be billed at $20 an hour.